

Welcome to Rescue Parenting, where we hope you will become the parent we all hope to be, and where your children will learn to not only fly, but soar! The concepts presented through these blog pages are found from real life experiences and real life parents.

Parenting can be one of the most overwhelming and intimidating tasks of one's lifetime. There are no instructions, no rules to follow, and no guarantees of the final outcome. So how do you know what to do? We hope to share some practical ideas with you here that focus on what we have found to be the single most detrimental practice in parenting, and that is of rescuing our children.  Clipping their wings, so to speak. We have seen it over and over again, and in fact have been guilty of it ourselves from time to time, so we speak from personal experience.  

In the familiar Chinese proverb, if a man is hungry you don't throw him a fish...you teach him HOW to fish.  In a similar way, as parents it is our job to teach our children to be responsible for themselves and their future, yet all too often we are inclined to throw them the fish out of our misguided concept of love.  And in the process we stunt their independence.  

You may not agree with everything proposed in this blog.  That's okay. If what you are doing in your parenting is working well for you, great! If, on the other hand you see a child of yours sucking the very life out of you and every dollar from your wallet, then maybe you have done a bit too much rescuing and it may be time to implement some of the ideas found here to turn things around.  Some of these concepts will work for some kids and not for others. But if you're in need of something to help your child not only fly, but soar on his wings of independence, then keep reading. You are sure to find at least one helpful piece of wisdom learned by parents who have been there, and lived to tell!

2 Timothy 3:17

That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

*This blog is new and still has content being added. Be patient with us. Check back often!

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